Introduction Anyone who’s been involved with IT over the last decade or so will have heard the term “Disaster Recovery”. This blog seeks to explain what is meant by that, and what Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP if you’re in the know about such things) actually comprises for your business. Enough...
Office 365 – Licenses, Charges and phrases explained
We hear users talk about Office 365 in various contexts and to imply various meanings and whilst most of these might be technically right, we do feel that there is some general confusion as to what it all means and crucially, how it’s all charged for. Key Products Microsoft offer...
Ransomware Attack! Do’s and Don’ts
Introduction “Ransomware”. Such a funny little compound word isn’t it? It almost sounds like it could be descriptive of a new type of gaming genre, with games focused on liberating kidnap victims! Sadly, it’s not that, not by a long shot. Its real meaning is far more sinister and the...