As a Microsoft Certified Partner we are happy to announce some special offers on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Licensing. We are now proud to say that we can supply all your business requirements regarding the powerhouse that is Microsoft Dynamics 365. Once you’ve identified a need for this enterprise-level CRM system,...
How To Get Ready To Move Your Email To The Cloud
“More companies are making the choice to move from their own on-premises exchange servers for email to hosted cloud based mail solutions. The market leader by a wide margin for this service is Office 365. There are multiple benefits to cloud based mail solutions vs the local office exchange server;...
5 Questions you should ask if you want to go with Office 365
Should I go with Office 365? 5 great questions to ask yourself! Why am I considering Office 365? What are the key business drivers for doing so? Removal of servers? Increased resilience of email and spam protection? Getting up to date with Microsoft Office versions? Clearly define where you would...