This client, operating in the food industry, came to us with a bit of a patchwork quilt insofar as their Office 365 was concerned. Some users were using old-fashioned POP mailboxes with Office 365 Business Premium licenses (a waste since the mail side of the license wasn’t being used), and...
Ditching ancient POP email / file storage
Our client, a recruitment firm with 9 staff, had been getting by with an old server for general file storage, and a form of email based on “POP” (post office protocol). In this scenario, mail is collected from the POP server (much akin to how people collected mail from pigeon-holes...
Remote Desktop Servers – A story of consolidation
Nemark has recently taken over a firm of Accountants who had been struggling with three separate Remote Desktop Servers in that users had to decide which server they were going to log on to, with separate Desktops on each server. In layman’s terms, it was a right royal mess –...