“More companies are making the choice to move from their own on-premises exchange servers for email to hosted cloud based mail solutions. The market leader by a wide margin for this service is Office 365. There are multiple benefits to cloud based mail solutions vs the local office exchange server;...
Top Tips to Avoid Ransomware Attacks
Ransomware is a common infection that encrypts your data and locks it preventing you access to it. The creators of the virus usually request a fee for you to pay to retrieve your data back, however much of the time the data is never returned. There are ways of reducing...
Helpful Tips For Choosing The Right Microsoft Office 365 Package
Finding the right package can be a little daunting, especially when you see how many different ones are on offer. To get a very basic idea of what you need, you firstly need to decide whether you are already licensed for Microsoft Office. If you’ve already got 20 PC’s installed...